Thursday 26 April 2012


Ex prison The Bridewell was the perfect location for Hope students spooky event Fright Delight. Featuring ghost stories, that made you question the supernatural, all in the aid of Alder Hey. Charlotte Holmes got an invite and a few unexpected frights.

Walking into the Bridewell Pub, one of the first things that came to my attention was the unusual layout. A long corridor with small rooms either side, it was like walking through a hotel. It was until we were told during a scary story that the Bridewell used to be a police station, complete with a Bridewell (it all was starting to become a bit obvious at this point). The rooms, now used for socialising and meals were once used for cells. We were told, shadowy figures had been scene in these cells, and I made it my mission to witness. Unfortunately I didn’t, which was a bit disappointing. That wasn’t to sya my night wasn’t free from scares..
The main event of the night consisted of ghost stories of Liverpool, complete spooky music and some surprisingly good make up and costume. The interval included palm reading, where I found out about myself (and I’m sure everybody else found out the same things about themselves as well) that I was logical, ambitious and had at least thirty years left in me, which is always nice to hear. The actor playing Darius was extremely intense (and a little over touchy), it was hard not to get drawn in to his prediction. There was also a raffle, the prizes ranging from boxes of chocolates to singed Liverpool shirt, which one of the children the event was raising money for, won.
Event organiser Marzena Ojlenik explains some of the actors dropped out, leaving them with spare parts “Some of the other actors and even event organisers had to fill in and play multiple roles”. She tells me this, dressed up as devil. “I’m very nervous, I’ll be shaking all the way through.” Considering this, the acting was good, you could say it was hauntingly good...
In the beginning of the show was slightly shaky, which I would put down to nerves, but it greatly improved as the actors relaxed. During some of stories it was clear some of the actors were missing, which made some of them hard to follow and a little confusing, but did a great job with what they had.
Stories included zombies, possessed dolls and countless appearances from the devil. A few unexpected screams made the audiences jump, (we me leading the way) there were even a few laughs.I may not have seen any ghost, but I got a few scares and was pleasantly surprised by the evening events. Overall the event was a success, raising over £100 on the night and over £800 altogether. It was frightfully delightful. 

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